Bridge & Wading Equipment

Modified Heavy Mechanized Bridge
General Description >
The Modified Heavy Mechanized Bridge is a set of equipment used for rapidly bridging over medium rivers with depth of water not more than 5.5m.The standard set consists of 5 vehicle- mounted spans with total bridge length 75m. The payload is 60T for track load and 13T for axle load. It is featured with high mobility, easy deployment and bridge-deck adjustment. The 50m bridge includes five spans and five layer trucks.
Specifications >

- Tracked Amphibious Pontoon Bridges
- Heavy Ribbon Bridges
- Special Pontoon Bridges
- Soft Surface Layer
- Heavy Roadways
- Flashing Devices
- 24m Heavy Mechanized Bridge
- 51m Heavy Support Bridge
- Emergency Movable Platform
- Heavy Assault Bridge
- Light Company Bridge
- Mechanized Railway Emergency Platform
- Modified Heavy Mechanized Bridge